Rules & Regulations
General Rules
Pay yearly registration fees and obtain/maintain a handicap
We ask that players keep the Google doc updated (SF Par-Fects Golf Dates 2024). The monthly outings and the bi-annual tournaments are scheduled in Google docs. Each player is responsible for indicating whether they are available or not and checking to see if they are on the roster. Updating this form helps the committee determine how many spots to secure for up and coming outings.
Prepayment of green fees is mandatory. Venmo is currently being used to pre-pay green fees - @sfpar-fects. On the 'Total Due', you will see (Venmo transaction fee + green fees). The Venmo transaction fee is a processing fee of 2% which we have passed on to each player. We have found it to be the most efficient and most economical way to collect green fees. If green fees are not paid previous to tournament day, there is no guarantee of playing. Fees owed will need to be paid before tee-off.
Timing - two weeks prior to the outing/tournament is the last chance to change your availability. If a member cancels within the two week window, that member will be responsible for the green fee - NO EXCEPTIONS. If this member can secure another player to take that spot, payment of green fees can be collected privately - i.e., reimbursement for that spot will be between cancelling member and new player secured.
Upon arrival at each outing/tournament, please check in with the tournament organizer BEFORE going to range or putting green. This will help to know that each player has arrived and ready to play. Tee-time will be sent through WhatApp before tournament but each player must inform organizer of arrival and be ready to tee-off on time.
Check your starting time and be ready to tee-off 10 minutes before tee time.
Each tournament or outing may be based on a different format dependent on turn out, pace of play, weather etc. This will be decided by the Committee in advance of the outing/tournament. TOURNAMENT FORMATS can include Match Play, Stroke Play, Best Ball 2 or 4 ball team, scramble or Stableford.
Code of Conduct - Remember when at an SF Par-Fects tournament that we are there as guests of the course and representing our club. Please be courteous to your fellow members, other players and to members of the public.
Abide by all general golf rules listed by the NCGA (click on links below) and individual requirements set forth by individual courses.
Who can join?
At present, we are a small club and are open to inviting new members. However, in order to grow successfully and efficiently, new membership is a once yearly event.
New members may join in January of each year.
A sponsor is required for each new membership. A current member can sponsor one new member per year. Sponsoring member must be a member for at least 12 months.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Our Committee will get in contact with you to answer any questions and add you to the waitlist.
As of 2025, all new members must have a NCGA registered handicap of 40 or lower.
Membership fee is $300 (+ Venmo fee). This includes $49 fee for NCGA. Renewal is due January of each year. Fees cover yearly NCGA membership and all expenses incurred for setting up tournaments and running a non-profit organization.
NCGA Link:
View NCGA handicap: